Gone With The Wind!
Gone With The Wind - VHS Gone With The Wind - DVD Directed by
Victor Fleming 

Writing credits
Margaret Mitchell (I)  (novel)
Sidney Howard 
Ann as Carreen O'Hara in Gone With The Wind!

Cast overview, first billed only:
Clark Gable .... Rhett Butler
Vivien Leigh .... Scarlett O'Hara
Leslie Howard .... Ashley Wilkes
Olivia de Havilland .... Melanie Hamilton Wilkes
Hattie McDaniel .... Mammy
Thomas Mitchell (I) .... Gerald O'Hara
Barbara O'Neil .... Ellen O'Hara
Evelyn Keyes .... Suellen O'Hara
Ann Rutherford .... Carreen O'Hara
George Reeves .... Stuart Tarleton
Fred Crane .... Brent Tarleton
Oscar Polk .... Pork
Butterfly McQueen .... Prissy
Victor Jory (I) .... Jonas Wilkerson, the overseer
Everett Brown .... Big Sam, the foreman

Test shot for Gone With The Wind Ann - Gone With The Wind Ann - Careen O'Hara Fixing her petticoat on the front steps of Tara Twirling on the front steps of Tara Evelyn Keyes, ??, Leslie Howard, Ann Rutherford, Alicia Rhett at Twelve Oaks Ann Rutherford & Evelyn Keyes watch their father fall off his horse! Out picking cotton Original 1939 theater program
Ann as Scarlet O'Hara's younger sister Careen in Gone With The Wind (1939).

Ann, already a big star at M-G-M in the Andy Hardy series, was traveling cross-country on a train with her mother when she approached David O. Selznik and asked him if she could be in Gone With The Wind. They talked about the part of Scarlet's younger sister Carreen, He agreed and although her part is small, she was happy just to be in the film. Ann remembers more scenes were filmed with her, but cut before the final release. She remembers a scene at the dinner table which was cut, and of the trip in the wagon to Twelve Oak's as described in the book. Overall 12 hours were filmed for Gone With The Wind before it was cut down to it's running time of 3 hours 40 minutes. Rumors persist that a private collector has saved some of this cut footage and is working on a deal to get it released.

Interesting Fact: Ann wore the same heart shaped locket in Gone With The Wind that she wore in the Andy Hardy series! Ann stood up in the wedding of a friend in San Francisco, and received this locket as a present. She asked Mr. Selznik if she could wear it in Gone With The Wind, and he said that it looked like it could be from that period, so yes she could. Being the collector Ann is, she still has this beautiful locket. Keep your eyes open next time you watch Ann on the screen!

 Write to:  Patrick@Picking.com 

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