Our Gang Autographed Photos!
No autographs on these first photos, but they sure would be great ones!
These are autographed photos of Our Gang/Little Rascals that I have in my home. All of these photo's are 8x10 glossies, unless otherwise noted. Click on any of the images to see a larger version of the photo.
Sorry, but NONE of these photos are for sale!
From left to right: Tommy "Butch" Bond, Tommy "Butch" Bond again, Gordon "Porky" Lee, Dorothy DeBorba, Mary Ann Jackson, Joy Wurgraft, two by Joe Cobb, Dickie Moore as an adult, and Spanky.
All of the above pictures are signed by Jean Darling!
All of the above pictures are signed by Shirley Jean Rickert (Measures).
From left to right: Darwood "Waldo" Kaye, Dorothy DeBorba, Mary Ann Jackson, Gordon "Porky" Lee, Sidney "Woim" Kibrick, two of George "Spanky" McFarland, Jay R. Smith.
The photo from Jay R. Smith is a XEROX copy of an original that J.R. Smith copied before sending it to me. I'm hoping to get a glossy from him in the future.
The following are autographs that my friends have and were gracious enough to let me share them with you!
This is supposed to be a Buckwheat autograph, in pencil, from when he was a little boy.
Dorothy DeBorba

Jerry Tucker - signed on cardboard stock, which is hard to scan, but looks good in person!
Joe Cobb, two of Darla Hood, Wally Albright, Spanky McFarland
Wally Albright, Baby Patsy, Farina, Harry Spear, Dickie Moore, Johnny Downs (with Hal Roach's signature too), Johnny Downs, Scotty Beckett, Mary Ann Jackson, Dickie Jones, Alfalfa
This is a MUST HAVE book for any Our Gang Fan!
Click on the book to read reviews, and to order!
If you are a fan, PLEASE BUY THIS BOOK!
I know you'll love it!
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