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The Movies At Fairlane!
April Wamble & Kevin Dimitry Kevin Dimitry & Jeanal Lizyness Tom Gardner & Kevin Dimitry Carol Dabrowski, Jeanal Lizyness, April Wamble Tom Gardner & Carol Dabrowski Carol Dabrowski & April Wamble Carol Dabrowski & Dave Robinson Elena Nuno & Jeanal Lizyness Dave Robinson & April Wamble Dawn Godzak, Myra Surbis, Dale Roszkowski & Cindy Zassadney Jim Kurkie, Karen Koos & Jeanal Lizyness Jeanal Lizyness, Jim Kurkie & Scherie Parsell April Wamble & Jim Hayden Lisa Rodriguez, Dave Robinson, April Wamble April Wamble & Kevin Dimitry Rick Mehl, Steve Doughty, Jim Hayden, Chris Zonca April Wamble & Patty Wilker Jerry Powers was in Japan and couldn't make the party this year Eric Schumaker couldn't make it this year Casey Nern couldn't make it this year

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